Sunday, June 16, 2013

training day: adding a little weight

location: Badger State Trail from Monticello south
distance: 5.72 miles
gear used: iPod nano, Deuter backpacks, Camelback water packs
audible entertainment: The Bugle, episode 238; Good Job Brain, episode 65; Snap Judgement, episode 215

warmer day for a hike than last week, but no real threat of rain as it blew through in the morning. we decided to bring out the packs to begin acclimating to hiking with them on once again. just threw some sweaters and shirts in to give them some bulk, along with full camelbacks. it was interesting to engage all those muscles specific to pack carrying that have gone largely unused in the last year -- and right away we knew it was the right decision to introduce weight. I made the mistake of not wearing liners with my hiking socks and have hotspots on the balls of both feet. further aches may not emerge until tomorrow. hopefully my feet will toughen up quickly and my hips won't be too sore in the morning so that I can get in some runs this week!
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Saturday, June 8, 2013

training day: through the tunnel

location: Badger State Trail from Exeter Crossing to County Road CC
distance: 5.64 miles
number of footsteps: 13,298
gear used: Samsung Galaxy S II, iPod nano
assorted conversation topics: Deadwood, literature you have to read in high school, making videos on a GoPro vs. slideshows, walking into the Praza do Obradorio to the sound of the gaita gallego.
audible entertainment: The Bugle, episode 237

nice warm and partly cloudy day to get serious about training for our Ireland trip. headed out early in the afternoon for a two hour hike with some mid-walk excitement of heading through the Stewart railroad tunnel. saw lots of families out biking, as well as a few more serious bikers and runners. we'll see how the legs fare tomorrow after our first serious training hike in several weeks. just over a month before we leave, so plenty of time to get ready!